来源:jxradiology 跟骨骨软骨病(calcaneal apophysitis )又称Sever病(Sever's disease),是一种儿童发生的疼痛性足跟疾病,可能与跟腱产生的牵引有关。较常见于男性儿童,表现为足跟部疼痛,偶尔在活动后出现跛行。病理称为急性缺血性骨坏死,在体操运动...
All rights reserved.Calcaneal apophysitis (Sever's disease), is the most frequent cause of the heel pain in growing children. The diagnosisis generally made with a typical history and clinical examination. Imaging modalities including radiography and magnetic resonance imaging can help establish the ...
Medial and lateral heel compression where the calcaneal apophysis attaches to the main body of the calcaneus reproduced the patient's pain, suggesting Sever disease, or calcaneal apophysitis. Radiographs were ordered to ensure that no traumatic injury occurred and revealed a nonfractured bipartite ...
text>AIM: To confirm that pubic apophysitis is common in Australian Rules footballers with groin pain.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirteen male Australian Footb... E Koh,J Boyle - 《Clinical Radiology Journal of the Royal College of Radiologists》 ...
Skeletal RadiologyKose O. Do we really need radiographic assessment for the diagnosis of non-specific heel pain (calcaneal apophysitis) in children? Skeletal Radiol. 2009;39(4):359-361.Kose O. Do we really need radiographic assessment for the diagnosis of non-specific heel pain (calcaneal ...