我与来自SCAD、SVA、Texas a&m、The Academy of Art University以及更多我不知道的学校毕业的优秀艺术家一起工作。有些艺术家也是自学成才。这是一个很小的行业。每个人都互相了解,重要的是你的作品,而不是你在哪里上学。 谢谢大家! 我们发布这篇文章 是希望给到大家一些 前辈的参考意见 以及在择校的时候 不是...
5 Million NTD BTW 5 million is more than enough. However, I would say at least 4 million is the idea. 04-05 tuition is 27,260 USD., and yes, most of the MFA programs are 3 yr programs, including E.A. Some people do try to graduate early, but it’s tough. It depends on indi...