Phyllaphidinae is a sister group to Calaphidinae s.l.; Calaphidinae is paraphyletic with respect to the former "Saltusaphidinae"; the ingroup clade was subdivided into nine newly recognized lineages; and three subtribes of Calaphidinae (Monaphidina, Calaphdina and Panaphidina) and many...
ANEWCHINESERECORDOFTHEGENUSCALAPHISWALSH ! (HOMOPTERA:APHIDIDAE:MYZOCALLIDINAE) IAOGe-xiaZHANGGuang-xue (InstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing100080,China) As ThegenusCalap/isWalsh(Myzocallidinae,Calaphidini)isreportedinChinaforthefirsttimewith thediscoveryoftwospecies,Calap/isbetulico...
In this study, we reported three walnut (Juglandaceae) aphid pests, Chromaphis juglandicola (Kaltenbach, 1843), Monelliopsis caryae (Monell, 1879), and Panaphis juglandis (Goeze, 1778), based on the taxonomic study of aphids on walnut trees in Korea. Species diagnosis and illustrations are...
The ultrastructure of the genital tracts in amphigonic females of Aphidoidea is described for the first time, using Euceraphis betulae Koch (Aphididae: Calaphidinae) as a representative. The female reproductive apparatus consists of two ovaries, each one with three/four meroistic telotrophic ...
The aphid genus, Callipterinella van der Goot, 1913 (Calaphidinae: Calaphidini: Calaphidina) was reviewed from Korea. Previously recorded species, Callipterinella calliptera (Hartig, 1841), and hitherto unrecorded species, Callipterinella tuberculata (von Heyden, 1837), were recognized in...
Karina Wieczorek.Anatomical investigations of the male reproductive system of five species of Calaphidinae (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea).Insect Systematics & Evolution. 2006Anatomical investigations of the male reproductive system of five species of Calaphidinae (Hemiptera, Aphidoidea). Karina Wieczorek. ...