Pulse Turret Remote A device used to defend against the lesser cognizant rogue creations of Draedon. Rock The first object Xeroc made. Rune of KosA relic of the profaned infernoContains the power hunted relentlessly by the three sentinels of the cosmic devourer. ...
灾厄盗贼制导CalamityRogueStealthStrikesOnly 跳转至创意工坊页面 灾厄盗贼制导是由灾厄开发者YuH制作的附属mod,该mod将所有盗贼武器设计成只有玩家潜行条蓄满才能发动武器,这个mod主要是为了防手滑,但是对于那些本就适合用普通攻击的盗贼武器来说相当鸡助。 修普诺斯Hypnos in Calamity Mod 跳转至创意工坊页面 修普...