生成物材料制作平台 深渊潜游服(1)铁靴(1) 远古操纵机 深渊潜游装(1) 吸音金属(1) 流明晶(40) 深渊细胞(40) 黑渊石(15) 夜明锭(5) 软体动物外壳(15) 备注 在史莱姆之神或者血肉墙被击败后,有几率从深渊匣中开出此饰品。 花絮 铁靴参考了塞尔达传说中的同名物品 ...
The Progression is a Godseeker Mode accessory that drops from the Storm Weaver. it increases the max mana by 10% and heals mana every time the player gets damage. The amount of mana healed is the amount of damage taken divided by 2 Recipes: No result
Silva Wings are a Godseeker Mode wing-type covering that allow the player to fly and glide. If these wings are worn along with Silva armor with any Silva headpiece, the player will be healed to 50% of their max life when the Silva revive procs.