Q: Do you plan on making addons for this mod (Infernum, Wrath of the Gods, Catalyst)? A: Yes, but only when the mod is done will I start making them. Q: Are there configs? A: The buggy version? No, the reworked version? Yes, complete configs....
灾厄炼狱曲包InfernumModeMusic 跳转至创意工坊页面 灾厄炼狱曲包是由PinpinNeon制作的附属mod,该mod将一些Boss的曲子替换为炼狱mod独立曲目,炼狱模式开启会播放这些曲目。 灾厄无伤辅助Imogen's QoL ModImogen's QoL: Calamity 跳转至创意工坊页面 灾厄无伤辅助是由灾厄测试员Imogen(原名Toasty)制作的附属mod,该...
Public mirror of the latest official release of the Calamity Mod. - CalamityModPublic/CalamityMod.cs at 1.4.4 · CalamityTeam/CalamityModPublic
The Ark of the Elements is a craftable Godseeker Mode broadsword that autoswings. It is the penultimate upgrade to the Fractured Ark. Unlike most broadswords, it uses a custom swing animation and performs a five-swing combo of an upwards slash followed by a downwards one that shoots a fast...
Your browser does not support HTML5 Audio! play_arrow 00:00 skip_previousskip_next shuffle repeat volume_up Description Tagged to have the same order as in here: https://terrariamods.wiki.gg/wiki/Vanilla_Calamity_Mod_Music People who viewed this also viewed...