Pre-Hardmode• Hardmode• Godseeker Mode• Event Enemies• Bosses• Critters• Friendly NPCs Expand v·d·e Consumables: Potions( Buff Potions) • Spy Weapons• Ammunition• Materials( Drops• Ores• Bars) • Miscellaneous ...
Buffs• Debuffs Expand v·d·e Characters:Enemies(List):Pre-Hardmode•Hardmode•Godseeker Mode•Event Enemies•Bosses•Critters•Friendly NPCs Expand v·d·e Consumables: Potions( Buff Potions) • Spy Weapons• Ammunition•
The Pulse Pistol is a craftable Pre-Hardmode magic gun. When used, it fires a pink gravity-defying pulse that disappears on tile impact. If the pulse hits a target, it is able to redirect to another target, and pierce up to two enemies before disappearin
5-15 Unholy Cores can additionally be obtained from Brimstone Crates at a 50% drop chance after Brimstone Elemental has been defeated.
(and epically) wrong. While franchise fans were busy condemning Gearbox for their crimes against Weyland-Yutani, hardcore gamers were fiending for the hard-boiled actionInfestationhad to offer.1UPwent so faras to call it "the single best follow-up to James Cameron'sAlienssince Mark Verheiden'...
"A hive of clustered microbial-infected flesh." The Hive Mind is a Pre-Hardmode boss fought in The Corruption, with an immobile first phase and a floating, teleporting second phase. It is the Corruption counterpart to The Perforators. The Hive Mind does
Not to be confused with Magic Conch, a vanilla teleportation tool. The Magical Conch is a Pre-Hardmode summon weapon that is purchased from the Sea King at any time. It will run on the ground, dealing contact damage to enemies. If the player is flying, t
The Gauss Dagger is a craftable Pre-Hardmode broadsword. When used, the player swings a short-ranged dagger that spawns an energy flux on top of enemies when they are struck two times. The flux repeatedly damages enemies that come into contact with it fo