Guan F, Cao W. ESCCAL-1 promotes cell-cycle progression by interacting with and stabilizing galectin-1 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2022 Mar 1;6(1):12. doi: 10.1038/s41698-022-00255-x.
细胞系(cell line)指原代细胞培养物经首次传代成功后所繁殖的细胞群体。 也指可长期连续传代的培养细胞。(由此便引申出了后来的有限细胞系(FiniteCellLine)、无限细胞系(InfiniteCellLine)),因此,细胞系狭义的是指可连续传代的细胞(定环境下口语和书面语都使用),广义是指可传代的细胞。肿瘤细胞系多由癌瘤建成,多...
龚继明研究员,国家杰青、万人计划领军人才,分子植物科学卓越创新中心副主任,主要从离子长途转运的角度解析植物营养调控及植物修复的分子机理,相关研究成果发表在Nature Biotech, Nature Communications, Molecular Plant, Plant Cell, PNAS等期刊上。 (二维码自动识别)...
CAL 85-1细胞类似产品::Intestinal Epithelioid Cell line No. 18细胞、HIBEpiC细胞、SCC-7细胞 培养细胞真的不难,Zui关键几点:1)所有的东西使用,如果你用的血清、培养皿、培养基、胰酶什么的都是进口的,真的很难相信你会把细胞养坏;2)动作要快,胰酶消化,换液什么,细胞暴露在空气中的时间越少越HAO。另外,要...
Human pDC-like CAL-1 cell lineIn this study, acidic and alkaline pullulan derivates were synthesized and their immunomodulatory activities compared to pullulan were investigated in human pDC-like CAL-1 cell line. Pullulan was reacted respectively with succinic anhydride and N-(-2-aminoethyl)-1,3...
CAL-62 cell;甲状腺 癌细胞(未分化)(STR鉴定) 细胞介绍: 人甲状腺未分化 癌细胞(thyroid anaplastic carcinoma, ATC),未分化,于1988年从一名70岁的甲状腺间变性 癌妇女的甲状腺(右叶)中建立;据报道在异种移植裸鼠中具有致瘤性。 经本库STR检测结果如下:D5S818: 9,12;D13S317: 12,12;D7S820: 10,10...
TPM1单抗和CALD1单抗购自美国Cell Signaling Technology公司。Tubulin抗体购自中杉金桥公司。使用ProteoJET™细胞裂解液(美国ThermoFisher Scientific公司)提取细胞总蛋白,12%SDS-PAGE电泳分离,将蛋白条带转移至PVDF膜(美国Millipore公司),5%TBST配制的脱脂...
Desktop / notebook computers, tablets, processors, motherboards, digital cameras, camcorders and projectors, Cell Phones and Accessories, 3D printers, 3D scanners, and CD/DVD duplicators may be returned within 15 days of purchase. All other products may be returned wit...
cell migration, wound healing, and exocytosis. Caldesmon activity is regulated by serine and tyrosine phosphorylation by multiple kinases. Alternate splicing generates 70-80 kDa isoforms of human Caldesmon, known as I-CaD, that lack the central repeating region of the protein (aa 208-436 or aa ...
验证数据展示 WB analysis using 19843-1-AP Various lysates were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 19843-1-AP (CALCOCO1 antibody) at dilution of 1:5000 incubated at room temperature for 1.5 hours. Featured Product KD/KO Validated ...