Convert calories to kilojoules (cal to kJ) with the energy conversion calculator, and learn the calorie to kilojoule formula.
Convert calories to joules (cal to J) with the energy conversion calculator, and learn the calorie to joule formula.
Kilojoules (kJ)to calories (cal), energy conversion calculator and how to convert. Kilojoules to calories conversion calculator Enter the energy in kilojoules, select calorie unit type and press theConvertbutton: Enter energy in kilojoules kJ ...
*Enter the number of calories to convert to kilocalories Calories to kilocalories conversion calculator shown above calculates how many kilocalories are in 'X' calories (where 'X' is the number ofcaloriesto convert tokilocalories). In order to convert a value from calories to kilocalories (fro...
VisitkJ/kg∙K to Calorie/Gram °C Conversion Calorie/Gram °C :The calorie per gram per degree Celsius is a metric unit of specific heat capacity. Its symbol is cal/g•°C. Kilocalorie/Kilogram °C :The kilocalorie per kilogram per degree Celsius is a unit of specific heat capacity....
Kilojoules to calories - Convert kilojoules to calories (kJ to cal). Calculate how many calories are in a kilojoule (cal) (kJ). This page includes kilojoules to calories conversion formula, conversion factor, and conversion table (chart).
1 Cal = 4.184 kJ = 4184 JThe energy in large/food calories E(Cal) is equal to the energy in joules E(J) divided by 4184:E(Cal) = E(J) / 4184ExampleConvert 600 joules to food calories.E(Cal) = 600J / 4184 = 0.1434 Cal...
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There's also a calculator help you work out your exercise to energy based on your own personal profile, so for example how many calories or kJ's did you burn walking the bus stop, getting coffee up the road or running around out back with your pet. Wondering how many calories are in ...
Vpeak to peak is defined as the voltage measured between the maximum Positive and Negative Amplitudes on the sine wave. The Vrms is defined as square root of the mean of the squares of the values for the one time period of the sine wave. ...