Also, don’t forget that (1) both axes of your graph need a label (showing units, if that’s relevant) and (2) your graph needs a title. Q4: What is Z1 at T = 0? Why? You’re learning in Chapter 6 that the energy of a system is given by EMBED Equation.DSMT4 But two ...
Usuallythedistancebetweenthelinesinadiffractiongratingisspecifiedbyitsreciprocal,thelinedensityr.Thisvalueisusuallyexpressedinunitslike1/mm. Theuseofdiffractionpatternstodeterminewavelengthsoflightsourcesisknownasspectroscopy.Thisisanextremelyimportantdiagnostictoolforidentifyingmaterials,asthedistributionofwavelengthsis...