学校有24000多名学生,其中有来自世界73个国家的1200多名国际生。知行合一(Learn by Doing)的教学理念吸引着一批批莘莘学子在这所院校追求真理之光,九大学院提供80多个学位项目,大学占地面积:10605亩。 在这里,你可以尽情体验浓浓的美式文...
Cal Poly Pomona is quite welcoming and diverse. It definitely made a statement to ensure that diversity was something to be embraced. CPP has given me a decent college experience so far. The "learn by doing" philosophy is present within the curriculum. There are a handful of professors that...
Learn by Doing: Lessons Learned from the Ten-Year Senior Projects through University-Agency Partnership Dr. Xudong Jia, P.E., is currently the Director of UCCONNECT (Regional UTC) at Cal Poly Pomona and Professor and Chair of Civil Engineering, Cal Poly Pomona. Dr. Jia has over 25 years ...
The Foundation offers positions in various fields; whether it is in the area of technology, science, retail, culinary arts, hospitality1500 management, leadership or research grants, these student employees participate in Cal Poly Pomona's learn-by-doing philosophy and acquire practical skills in ...
因为Cal Poly的校训'Learn by doing',基于项目的学习。很多来Cal Poly的学生(据我周边的朋友来说)...
Cal poly硕士毕业生,在Slo呆过两年。Slo没有phd,排名一般都不是一起排的,综排看不太出来performance...
Raymond Ealy, Founder/Executive Director of STEAM:CODERS, added, “The RoseSTEM field trip not only introduced students to the engineering behind float construction, it also brought students to a word-class campus, Cal Poly Pomona. Since over 80% of the students in STEAM:CODERS reside in house...
Located on a rolling campus 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Cal Poly Pomona remains committed to the "learn by doing" polytechnic mission, and accordingly, the Department of Architecture is known for producing workforce-ready grad... P Coursework - 《Faculty of Architecture》 被引量: ...
Located on a rolling campus 30 miles east of downtown Los Angeles, Cal Poly Pomona remains committed to the "learn by doing" polytechnic mission, and accordingly, the Department of Architecture is known for producing workforce-ready grad... P Coursework - 《Faculty of Architecture》 被引量: ...