Workplace Violence Rule: CalChamber Urges Changes Robert Moutrie-February 7, 20250 Cal/OSHA held the first open discussion of its workplace violence safety regulation for general industry at an all-day advisory committee meeting on January 24. A... ...
Jeffrey M. Tanenbaum
SB 553 writes the Healthcare Workplace Violence Standard into the Labor Code for all employers. The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) is drafting a general industry workplace violence regulation because their experts recognize that hospitals are not the sa...
What Employers Should Know About New Workplace Violence Rule CalChamber - December 1, 2023 In Episode 188 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts sits down with Bianca Saad, CalChamber general counsel, labor and employment,... CalChamber Signs Equal Pay Pl...
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a way of preventing workplace violence. It notes that the financial penalties associated with violations has been typically light. It cites OSHA's charged penalty to Acadia Hospital due to alleged lack of emergency department workers' protection...
Potential Changes Coming to Workplace Violence Prevention Standards CalChamber - February 28, 2025 In Episode 216 of The Workplace podcast, CalChamber Associate General Counsel Matthew Roberts and CalChamber Senior Policy Advocate Robert Moutrie discuss potential changes coming... Guest Commentary: The...