An OSHA Safety Program is your fast and affordable solution to safety and compliance. Knowing the law but ignoring it is a willful violation with a max penalty of $126,749. Compliance is Fast. Save Time and $$$Developing your own written OSHA Safety Plan & Program is difficult and expensiv...
Tony Knight Daily News Staff Writer
Joe Biden, being the senile by crafty fucker he is, unable to get congress to pass such a law, asked OSHA to make a regulation requiring vaccinations or a mask in the workplace, instead. This effectively would have had almost the same effect as the law he wanted, since the unemployment ...
Cal/OSHA announced in apress releaseon December 12, 2024, that it had issued its first willful heat violation citation, highlighting its increased emphasis on heat illness prevention. The citation imposed $276,425 in penalties on an employer for deliberately and knowingly failing to comply with out...