In indoor workplaces, employers must correct unsafe conditions for workers created by heat as part of their Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Details on heat illness prevention requirements and training materials are available online onCal/OSHA’s Heat Illness Prevention web page. Employers with ...
Illustrative scenarios and key takeaways. Employers may be covered under both the indoor and outdoor regulations if they have both indoor and outdoor workplaces; for those employers, Cal/OSHA’sComparison Chart of Indoor and Outdoor Heat Illness Prevention Standardsmakes it easy to spot the diff...
Control can be demonstrated through explicit contract provisions pertaining to worksite safety. This means that an employer is a controlling employer because it has the power under a written contract to require another employer to adhere to safety and health requirements and to correct violations...
This year’s list includes 18 bills that would expand Cal/OSHA authority and enforcement; create a new single-payer health care system; impose new mandatory leave requirements; and further increase taxes. As is often the case, many of these measures seem to be “solutions in search of a ...
Joe Biden, being the senile by crafty fucker he is, unable to get congress to pass such a law, asked OSHA to make a regulation requiring vaccinations or a mask in the workplace, instead. This effectively would have had almost the same effect as the law he wanted, since the unemployment...