Cal Fire Season 1的剧情简介 ··· 氣溫升高、濕度降低,讓加州每年的野火季災情屢創新高,「加州森林及防火局 (Cal Fire)」正是這場不可逆的天災中人們唯一可以仰賴的英雄,消防員們以血肉之軀承擔繁重勤務,保護加州人民的安全、財產與資源。 Discovery頻道《加州野火英雄》,製作團隊史無前例深入破紀錄的2020...
As we head into fall, Cal Fire urges people to not get comfortable. Some of the worst fires in California have happened during the holiday season, including theCamp Firein November 2018. "We're not done. This year is not done. We have quite a ways to go, unfortunately," said Chief S...
第4集 Cal Fire Season 1第4集 >去 Cal Fire Season 1
Cal Fire ramps up use of nighttime helicoptersThis fire season, Cal Fire is deploying a growing fleet of helicopters capable of fighting fire when no other aircraft can. Kelsi Thorud reports. (8-3-23)Aug 4, 2023 embed code copied
This is ominous for fire season 2021. "The fuels are receptive, the opportunity exists and where there's the opportunity, there's a potential for devastating fires," said Cal Fire Battalion Chief Jon Heggie. The biggest danger, areas where drought, bark beetles and sudden oak ...
Cal Fire Inmate Firefighters Gear Up for Fire SeasonPinionWhitt, Melissa
But in recent years, Cal Fire officialshave continued to warnthat California no longer has a fire season but instead has a year-round threat as human-caused climate change worsens, which has been found tointensify firesand made themmore explosive. UC I...
With YuleCal, use your favorite photos to celebrate and share the joy of the season with the people you love.
Chief Jalbert says “Cal Fire is preparing for what could be a very active fire season in SLO County, and we need residents to do their part by maintaining defensible space and being extra cautious during any activity that could spark a wildfire.” ...
Fire season is heating up in the parched Golden State, threatening major population centers. These sites show where the dangers are, and where they may head. advertisementLatest cal fire News advertisement advertisementDesign↓ Architecture Branding Fashion Marketing Product Design UX (User Experience)...