A woman from Modern Bride magazine saw the window display and asked Valastro to prepare a cake for the magazine. He quickly became one of the premier wedding cake makers in the tristate area, with more than 200 publications featuring his wedding cakes over the course of a decade. Valastro ...
Four songs were included, “Cheap & Nasty’ and “Toby, It’s a Girl” on the A side and “Boredom” and “Sorry Could You Say That More Slowly Please” on the B side. They were recorded at Posthouse Studios in East Peckham, Kent. The producer was Kevin Amos and the band. The b...
a new indie label that Rico Roces, from Radio Asturias, put together. The idea was to put a single out. They recorded “Amor a Mordiscos” and “Prefiero Ser Clark Kent” but in the end the label went bust. The songs end up then in their third demo tape, “...