un centre financier de premier rang. est une des institutions financières les plus importantes en • Amérique du Nord. POINTS SAILLANTS r 1 BIENS SOUS GESTION Placements Obligations Actions et valeurs convertibles Financements hypothécaires Investissements immobiliers Valeurs à court terme Total ...
Secured TransactionsPrior to the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Caisse Populaire de Drummond, the conventional view in Canada was that rights of set-off, flawed asset aSocial Science Electronic Publishing
EST DE DRUMMOND.]]>In this article the author discusses the decision on the case Caisse populaire Desjardins de l'Est de Drummond versus Canada, which involves interplay between a federal statute and provincial secured transaction law. He notes that the decision is impossible to be limited to a...
Secured TransactionsPrior to the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Caisse Populaire de Drummond, the conventional view in Canada was that rights of set-off, flawed asset arrangements and negative covenants were not security interests for the purposes of personal property security law, as ...