Cain and Abel 4Now the man[a]knew his wife Eve, and she conceived and[b]gave birth to[c]Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a[d]man withthe help ofYahweh.”2And again, she[e]gave birth to his brother Abel.Abel wasa keeper of flocks, but Cain was a cultivator of the ground...
4 Adam[a] made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.[b] She said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth[c] a man.” 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 3 In the course of...
Cain is the first son ofAdamandEve, the first human conceived the way we were all conceived (Genesis 4:1), and also the first murderer (Genesis 4:8). His victim is his brotherAbel, who is the first human to die. For his deed Cain is exiled and he flees to the land ofNod. ...
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内容简介· ··· THIS 52 PAGE ARTICLE WAS EXTRACTED FROM THE BOOK: Symbolic Character of the Sacred Scriptures, by Abiel Silver. To purchase the entire book, please order ISBN 076613430X. 我要写书评 A Spiritual View of Cain, Abel and Seth and the Building of the City of Enoch的书评 ·...
Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” (Literally, I have acquired a man, the LORD/Yahweh). Then she bore again, this time his brother Abel. — Genesis 4:1-2 ...
Cain and AbelGenesis 41 有一日,那人和他妻子夏娃同房,夏娃就懷孕,生了該隱 ( 就是得的意思 ) ,便說:耶和華使我得了一個男子。 2 又生了該隱的兄弟亞伯。亞伯是牧羊的;該隱是種地的。 3 有一日,該隱拿地裡的出產為供物獻給耶和華 4 亞伯也將他羊群中頭生的和羊的脂油獻上。耶和華看中了亞伯和他的...
Adam and Eve were blessed with three sons, Abel, Qabil and Seth. When they grew up, Abel, the younger brother, became a shepherd. He herded sheep, goats and other animals. The elder brother Cain, worked as a farmer. Abel and Cain had a disagreement. Cain's anger got the better of...
Cain, the murderer of his brother Abel, presented to the views of the Rabbis two different types. One was that of a sinner who yielded to his passions who was greedy, "offering to God only worthless portions; the remnants of his meal or flaxseed"; whom either God's favorable acceptance ...
Cain and AbelGenesis 41 该隐和亚伯 2 她又生了该隐的弟弟亚伯。亚伯是牧羊的,该隐是种地的。 3 有一天,该隐把地里的出产拿来,当作礼物献给耶和华。 4 亚伯也把自己羊群中一些头生的,和羊的脂油拿来献上。耶和华看中了亚伯和他的礼物; 5 只是没有看中该隐和他的礼物。该隐就非常忿怒,垂头丧气。 6 ...