Caillou visits the doctor 6万2017-03 3 Caillou's teddy shirt 5.4万2017-03 4 Caillou rakes the leaves 5万2017-03 5 Caillou's birthday present 4.6万2017-03 6 Caillou's new shoes 4.3万2017-03 7 Caillou learns to skate 4万2017-03 8 Caillou and daddy 3.8万2017-03 9 Caillou grows carrot...
Caillou visits the doctor 第一段 102019-03 7 减法运算 112019-03 8 减法 222019-03 9 加法 112019-02 10 Caillou is afraid of the dark 322019-02 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1万 Caillou by:芥子园Geminds 4173 Caillou by:ENL_Academy 1141 Caillou by:薄荷_loddiya 1.5万 Caillou by:没有你的故事你是谁...
1.11caillou visits the doctor I hope this will make you feel better. It’s storytime. When caillou was three, he got a really bad earache. And today’s story is called caillou visits the doctor. Caillou: I don’t want to see the doctor,mommy. Mommy: Why not caillou? Caillou: The do...
When Calliou was three, he’s got a really badearache. And today’s story is called “Calliou Visits the Doctor.” Caillou: I don’t want to see the doctor, mommy. Mommy: Why not, Calliou. Caillou: The doctor hurt me. Mommy: You are much better now. It won’t hurt this time. ...
Caillou 音频 小朋友看完动画可以每天听音频磨耳朵哦 Caillou 卡由音频 118.15万9586免费订阅 Caillou at daycare Caillou joins the circus Caillou is afraid of the dark Caillou visits the doctor Caillou's teddy shirt Caillou rakes the leaves 加载更多 精选用户评论 映山红穆湖照相馆 真有趣。 回复 2021-...
Caillou_文本.doc,Theme Song 4 1. Caillou at daycare 5 2. Caillou joins the circus 6 3. Caillou is afraid of the dark 7 4. Calliou’s Friends 8 5. Calliou Visits the Doctor 9 6. Caillou Goes Shopping 10 8. Caillou in the Bathtub 12 9. Caillou Gets Dressed
And today’s story is called “Calliou Visits the Doctor.” Caillou: I don’t want to see the doctor, mommy. Mommy: Why not, Calliou. Caillou: The doctor hurt me. Mommy: You are much better now. It won’t hurt this time. Nurse: The doctor’s ready for you now, Calliou. Mommy:...
Caillou is afraid of the dark Caillou visits the doctor Caillou's teddy shirt Caillou rakes the leaves 加载更多 精选用户评论 小狗的声音 11哈哈不怕他开车了垃圾篓啊路g不头段啦啦啦啦互补club普拉提垮台阿Q楼咳咳逃课了就卡特图阿福卡死了狗课件可乐 吧来客看见了特特JJ堵不堵啊卡退了,他来了爸爸妈妈咯哦...
Caillou forgot all about going to daddy’s office. He was too busy take care of Teddy and daddy. He loved being their doctor. Do you want to be a doctor when you grow up, Caillou? Yes, I’m helping daddy get better. Do you t...