PBS Kids announced on social media Tuesday that the much-maligned animated series, which has centered on its precocious 4-year-old namesake and his family for more than two decades, will be no more. The public television network even offered viewers coping tips on how to tell young fans abou...
我们学习完了小猪佩奇,接下来给大家带来《卡由》系列英语原版动画,这是PBS(美国公共广播公司)播出的著名儿童系列节目。《卡由》针对学龄前儿童,在南美很受孩子们欢迎。语速适中,每集4分钟。 主要人物:主人公卡由Caillou是一个4岁的光头小男孩,他还有一...
- Morning: In school you will get to practice maths, spelling, languages, music, nature, perception, memory, and space, with eleven different games. - Afternoon: Time to go to the park! Here you can play sports like hockey, basketball or soccer. You can also chase mice, tidy up and ...
我们学习完了小猪佩奇,接下来给大家带来《卡由》系列英语原版动画,这是PBS(美国公共广播公司)播出的著名儿童系列节目。《卡由》针对学龄前儿童,在南美很受孩子们欢迎。语速适中,每集4分钟。 主要人物:主人公卡由Caillou是一个4岁的光头小男孩,他还有一个...
- Morning: In school you will get to practice maths, spelling, languages, music, nature, perception, memory, and space, with eleven different games. - Afternoon: Time to go to the park! Here you can play sports like hockey, basketball or soccer. You can also chase mice, tidy up and ...
- Morning: In school you will get to practice maths, spelling, languages, music, nature, perception, memory, and space, with eleven different games. - Afternoon: Time to go to the park! Here you can play sports like hockey, basketball or soccer. You can also chase mice, tidy up and ...