Caillou: I don’t want to be older. Mommy: Why not? Caillou: You said Rosie is getting older. And you said you are getting older. And Sara said she is getting older. And you said the little bird died because it was too old. Daddy: Ah, the li...
Caillou and the Dragon 72017-08 3 A Car Trip 112017-08 4 Caillou's Road Trip 112017-08 5 Shoo,shoo,bird!Stay away! 122017-08 6 Caillou's Halloween Costume 132017-08 7 Seasons 162017-08 8 Caillou Goes Apple Picking 142017-08 9 Caillou Goes Shopping 122017-08 10 Caillou the Painter 420...
Grandpa: Caterpillars eat leaves. So they can have the energy to turn into butterflies.Caillou: Turn into butterflies?Caillou: what’s the bird doing,Grandpa?Grandpa: It is looking for worms to eat. Worms give them the energy they need to fly south for the winter.And squirrels ...
Caillouandhisdaddywereinthegarden oneday.Whensuddenly… Caillou:Daddy,look! Daddy:Whatisit? Caillou:Isitdead,Daddy? Daddy:Ah,yes!Ithinkweshouldburyit, don’tyou? Caillou:Whydidthebirddie,Daddy? Daddy:Well,now,that’sratherabig question,Caillou. ...
Start with cutting out the bird from the blue sky background using the magic wand selector Place the bird on a layer over the red sky, and set the Blend Mode to “Hard Light”. I’m still not sure which one works best on a given collage situation, so I try them all. In this ca...