(1) linux下主要是使用Ubuntu 14.02以上版本,通过wget docker安装docker引擎。 (2)由于docker是基于linux的内核,所以在window上必须装虚拟机,在虚拟机里安装docker引擎。为了安装方便,在http://www.docker.com/products/docker-toolbox提供了docker-toolbox,点击下一步,很快就能安装好。该docker-toolbox包含有:docker...
GUI Option (Docker Desktop): If you are using Docker Desktop, use the search box at the top of the window to search nTracer2. Select the "Run" button next to geeklogan/ntracer2, which is the Cai-lab prebuilt nTracer2 image: When prompted, select ports to be used by the server,...
Shell: Docker implemented in around 100 lines of bashBuild your own Emulator / Virtual MachineC: Home-grown bytecode interpreters C: Virtual machine in C C: Write your Own Virtual Machine C: Writing a Game Boy emulator, Cinoop C++: How to write an emulator (CHIP-8 interpreter) C++: Emul...
容器部署 分布式部署
使用docker,在dockerfile中配置 FROM python:3.6 WORKDIR /www/ COPY requirements.txt . RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ COPY . . CMD ["gunicorn", "app:app", "-c", "./gunicorn.conf.py"] 来自为知笔记(Wiz) 分享自由,尊重著作权 分类: Py...
docker:基于lxc的一个虚拟打包工具,能够实现PAAS平台的组建。 packer:用来生成不同平台的镜像文件,例如VM、vbox、AWS等,作者是vagrant的作者 skynet:分布式调度框架 Doozer:分布式同步工具,类似ZooKeeper Heka:mazila开源的日志处理系统 cbfs:couchbase开源的分布式文件系统 ...
目录 一、docker安装Ubuntu1.检查内核版本大于3.102.更新apt源3.安装docker4.(建议)更新成国内源5.启动、重启docker(可选)检查docker运行情况(可选)运行系统引导时启用 docker,CentOS7二、配置selenium容器1.从dockerhub搜索image2.选择合适的image3.启动docker image(可选)使用docker-comp ...
Perfective姚 用最执着的心做最念念不忘的事 1、准备工作 1.1、安装Docker 参考: Install Docker Engine 1.2、选择镜像 Jupyter提供了多种用途的镜像,安装前需要阅读各类镜像的介绍,选择合适的镜像。参考: Docker Stacks documentation 本文示例选择的镜像:jupyter/datascience-noteboo…阅读全文 赞同 2...
To setAPTto use packages from the Docker repository: Log into your machine as a user withsudoorrootprivileges. Open a terminal window. Update package information, ensure that APT works with thehttpsmethod, and that CA certificates are installed. ...