Current local time in Italy – Cagliari. Get Cagliari's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Cagliari's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset.
Cagliari real-time weather and 30 days forecast, also include air quality, precipitation, severe weather warning
10-Day Weather-Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy As of 04:22 CET Severe wind warning+3 More Today 18°/11° 19% Thu 13 | Day 18° 19% S 21 km/h Partly cloudy. High 18°C. Winds S at 15 to 25 km/h. Humidity75% UV Index5 of 11 Sunrise06:38 Sunset18:28 Thu 13 | Night 1...
10-Day Weather-Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy As of 15:01 CET Moderate wind warning+1 More Today 17°/13° 13% Wed 19 | Day 17° 13% ESE 25 km/h Cloudy. High 17°C. Winds ESE at 15 to 30 km/h. Humidity67% UV Index4 of 11 Sunrise6:28 Sunset18:34 Wed 19 | Night 13°...
Weather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Cagliari Sardinia - Italy 2025-03-16 In the next 30 days, there will be 15 days of rain, the Max Temp is 21°(22-Mar, 23-Mar, 24-Mar, 25-Mar, 26-Mar, 28-Mar) and the Min Temp is 8°(16-Mar). Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu ...
Premium myVentusky 关于 Cagliari Italy / 纬度: 39°13'北 / 经度: 9°7'东 / 高度: 79 m时区: Europe/Rome (UTC+1) / 当前时间: 13:11 2025-02-14 当前天气 预报 日月 17 °C 风 26 km/h 湿度 55 % 云量 50 % 云底 914 m 来自气象台的天气报告 Cagliari/elmas(a, 距离: 5 km (12:...
Beach weather forecast including air temperature, sea temperature, sunshine, rainfall, wind and waves conditions for Cala Sinzias, Cagliari, Italy
Beach weather forecast including air temperature, sea temperature, sunshine, rainfall, wind and waves conditions for Spiaggia di Tuerredda, Cagliari, Italy
from around the world to the popular tourist destination of Cagliari, which is the capital municipality of Sardinia, an island in the Mediterranean Sea that is one of Italy’s autonomous regions. This destination of more than 431,000 residents offers great weather, beaches, sightseeing and more....
三月22日 (六) 12時29分 New Moon 三月29日 (六) 11時57分 First Quarter 四月5日 (六) 4時14分 Moon Phases for Cagliari, Italy in 2025 Showing moon phases for: LunationNew MoonFirst QuarterFull MoonThird QuarterDuration 12621月7日 (二)0時56分1月13日 (一)23時26分1月21日 (二)21...