Cage Data focuses on ensuring staff can work, even when they can't get to the office. GET OUR FREE E-BOOK SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION Can your business afford 24 hours of downtime Cage Data's Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery services ensure that your employees can continue to work, no...
Last night was the final night of the 29thedition of theSeattle Improvised Music Festivalat theChapel Performance Spacein the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle WA. I headed to Wallingford earlier than I did yesterday as recent Vancouver transplantJoda Clémanthad come down to see the Bonnie Jones/...
where the binding energy regions encompass the core levels of Si 2p(Fig.2a−c) and central metal atoms (Fig.2d; V 2p, 2e; Nb 3d, and 2f; Ta 4f). Since all XPS signals derived from Si and M increase linearly with the deposition...
data from the Lohmann LB-Lite would be more useful for other brown strains, and data from the Lohmann LSL-Lite for other white strains. However, without further knowledge, this should not be assumed. The utility of the bird-based welfare parameters tested in this study is uncertain because ...