radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or their combination. However, around 50% do not benefit while suffering severe toxic side effects, costing the individuals and society. Decades have been spent to improve
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or their combination. However, around 50% do not benefit while suffering severe toxic side effects, costing the individuals and society. Decades have been spent to improve
tissues (n = 41) and the matching adjacent normal thyroid tissues (n = 41) were stored at −80 °C. The operations for human samples were authorized by the Ethics Committee of Henan Cancer Hospital. In addition, the informed consent files have been signed by all individuals. ...
The prognosis for individuals suffering from esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is dismal, with the 5-year survival rate being less than 15%.1,2,3 Various risk factors, such as tobacco or alcohol addiction, genetic defects, and some other detrimental environmental factors may possibly induc...