How long until caffeine is completely out of your system? The level of caffeine in your blood peaks about one hour later and stays at this level for several hours for most people. Six hours after caffeine is consumed, half of it is still in your body. It can takeup to 10 hoursto comp...
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("main thread:" + Thread.curren...
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { Cache<String, Integer> cache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build(); Integer age1 = cache.getIfPresent("张三"); System.out.println(age1); //当key不存在时,会立即创建出对象来返回,age2不会为空 Integer age2 = cache.get("张三", k -...
System.out.println(value); String value2 = cache.getIfPresent("key2"); System.out.println(value2); // Get caching statistics CacheStats stats = cache.stats(); System.out.println("Cache hits: " + stats.hitCount()); System.out.println("Cache misses: " + stats.missCount()); // Delete...
}//从缓存中移除数据CaffeineUtil.remove("key2");//再次获取数据String value2AfterInvalidation = String.valueOf(CaffeineUtil.get("key2"));//输出: Value 2 after invalidation: nullSystem.out.println("Value 2 after invalidation: " +value2AfterInvalidation);returnResult.success(); ...
System.out.println("移除了"+ key +",value: "+ value +",cause: "+ cause +",estimate size: "+ Math.toIntExact(RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(value))); } })// .expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build(); cache.put("k",5); ...
.removalListener((key, value, cause) -> System.out.println("key:" + key + " value:" + value + " cause:" + cause)) // 开启统计功能 .recordStats() .build(); cache.put("name", "zzc"); // 如果一个 key 不存在,那么会进入指定的函数生成 value ...
The stimulant drug contained in coffee and tea. This is the stuff that makes coffee so addictive. It stimulates the central nervous system and, in the right amounts, causes adrenaline to be released and can enhance heart function. An alkaloid found in coffee, tea and kola nuts that acts as...
{return currentDuration;}@Override//设置 Entry 读取后的过期时间//这里设置为 Order 的 createTime 的 60s 后过期public long expireAfterRead(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Order value, long currentTime, @NonNegative long currentDuration) {return 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 60 - (System.currentTime...