Pepsi-Cola37.5 Diet Pepsi36.0 Coca-Cola Classic34.0 Cherry Coke (Diet)34.0 Canada Dry Cola30.0 Snapple Flavored Tea (Diet)31.5 Lipton Brisk, All Varieties9.0 7-Up, Sprite, Tonic water, gingerale0.0 Reproduced from National Soft Drink Association, U.S. Food and Drug Ad...
I can't find the words to thank you all for sharing these withdrawal symptoms! I've been "on caffeine" for decades and was simply cutting down from 'all day long' (DPepsi/Max with ice) to about 20-30 ounces (DCoke because I don't like it much). It's amazing what happens to ...
Pepsi-Cola37.5 Diet Pepsi36.0 Coca-Cola Classic34.0 Cherry Coke (Diet)34.0 Canada Dry Cola30.0 Snapple Flavored Tea (Diet)31.5 Lipton Brisk, All Varieties9.0 7-Up, Sprite, Tonic water, gingerale0.0 Reproduced from National Soft Drink Association, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Pepsi Co...