导读:本期给大家分享的文献是《国际运动营养协会的立场声明:咖啡因与运动表现》(International society of sports nutrition position stand: caffeine and exercise performance),该文献综述于2021年1月发表在《国际运动营养学会杂志》(Journal ...
Graham, T. E., and L. L. Spriet. Caffeine and exercise perfor- mance. In: Sport Science Exchange. Barrington, IL: Gatorade Sports Science Institute, 1996, chapt. 9.Graham TE, Spriet LL. Caffeine and exercise performance. Sports Sci Exch 1996; 9 (1): 1-5...
Ryu S; Choi SK; Joung SS; Suh H; Cha YS; Lee S; Lim K. Caffeine as a lipolytic food component increases endurance performance in rats and athletes. J Nutr Sci Vitaminnol, 2001; 47, 2: 139-46 Dodd SL; Herb RA; Powers SK. Caffeine and exercise performance. An update. Sports Med...
K. Caffeine and exercise performance. Sports Medicine, v. 15, n. 1, p. 14-23, 1993. Disponivel em: http://adisonline.com/sportsmedicine/Abstract/1993/15010/Caffeine_an d_Exercise_Performance__An_Update.3.aspx Acesso em: 09/05/2010Dodd SL, Herb RA, and Powers SK. Caffeine and ...
Free Essay: Effects of caffeine on exercise performance indicated by heart and respiratory rate Introduction: Caffeine (C8H10N4O2) in it chemical nature is a...
existed a dose dependent relationship between caffeine and exercise performance (9). Eight well-trained endurance athletes, who had not consumed any caffeine 48 hours prior to beginning each of the investigative tests, were given a placebo, or a capsule that ...
ExerciseHeatCaffeine, an adenosine receptor antagonist, has shown to improve performance in normal ambient temperature, presumably via an effect on dopaminergic neurotransmission through the antagonism of adenosine receptors. However, there is very limited evidence from studies that administered caffeine and ...
“Effects of caffeine ingestion on metabolism and exercise performance”. Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. Fall 1978. Volume 10, Issue 3, pgs. 155-8. 11) Doherty M, Smith PM. “Effects of caffeine ingestion on rating of perceived exertion during and after exercise: a meta-...
Understandably so, endurance athletes are always in search of a boost in energy and performance. More often than not,caffeineis the go-to for athletes. But is caffeine truly an ergogenic aid and is it safe? 根据美国运动医学院的数据,咖啡因可能是世界上使用最广泛的兴奋剂。它可以有多种形式,如...
So, caffeine can help to boost your performance in exercise, depending on the dose and type of activity. Remember to stay hydrated and not consume too much caffeine, especially if you are prone to anxiety or any other adverse reactions to caffeine. ...