Vincent D, Lapierre C, Pollet B, Cornic G, Negroni L, Zivy M (2005). Water deficits affect caffeate O-methyltransferase, lignification, and related enzymes in maize leaves. A proteomic investigation. Plant Physiology 137: 949-960.↵ Vincent D , Lapierre C , Pollet B , Cornic G , ...
caffeate O-methyltransferase; F5H, ferulic acid 5-hydroxylase; HCT, hydroxycinnamoyl-CoA shikimate/quinate hydroxycinnamoyl transferase; IEMT (T133L, E165I, F175I), monolignol 4-O-methyltransferase (isoeugenol 4-O-methyltransferase carrying T133L, E165I, F175I mutations); OMT, S-adenosyl-meth...
英文名称:caffeate O-methyltransferase CAS No.:50936-45-3 快速询单 别名信息 - 中文别名 - - 英文别名 - caffeate O-methyltransferase 960化工网为您提供caffeate O-methyltransferase专业化合物百科信息,包括中文名,英文名,分子式,分子量,以及该化合物的CasNo.:50936-45-3,和相关理化性质;并提供了优质生产... l -methionine:3,4- dihydroxy-trans-cinnamate 3-O-methyltransferasecaffeate O-methyltransferaseCOMT [1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12]S-adenosyl- l -methionine:caffeic acid-O-methyltransferasecaffeate 3-O-methyltransferasecaffeate methyltransferase50936-45-3These keywords were added by...
Vincent D, Lapierre L, Pollet B, Cornic G, Negroni L, Zivy M (2005) Water deficits affect caffeate O-methyltransferase, lignification and related enzymes in maize leaves: a proteomic investigation. Plant Physiol 137:949-960Vincent, D.; Lapierre, C.; Pollet, B.; Cornic, G.; Negroni, L...
Maize (Zea mays) caffeate 3-O-methyltransferase (ZmaysCOMT, EC, a key enzyme of the phenylpropanoid pathway, catalyzes the O-methylation of caffeic acid to ferulic acid, a precursor of lignin polymer and a crucial component of the cell wall structure. Plant cell wall recalcitrance...
Vincent D, Lapierre C, Pollet B, Cornic G, Negroni L, Zivy M (2005) Water deficits affect caffeate O -methyltransferase, lignification, and related enzymes in maize leaves: a proteomic investigation. Plant Physiol 137:949–960 Ce...
O-MethyltransferaseGibbs’ reagentPopulus trichocarpaS-Adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent O-methyltransferases (OMTs) catalyze the transmethylation of a variety of phenolics in bacteria, plants, and humans. To rapidly characterize phenolic OMT activities, we adapted Gibbs’ reagent, the dye ...
Maize (Zea mays) caffeate 3-O-methyltransferase (ZmaysCOMT, EC, a key enzyme of the phenylpropanoid pathway, catalyzes theO-methylation of caffeic acid to ferulic acid, a precursor of lignin polymer and a crucial component of the cell wall structure. Plant cell wall recalcitrance ...