Milk to use for cafe latte The best milk to use for a cafe latte iswhole milk. Whole milk froths the best because it has the highest milk fat. You can also use 2% milk, but it loses a bit of the richness in flavor. The most important part about the milk:make sure it’s as fre...
而法语单词lait与意大利语单词latte同义,都是指牛奶。Caffè Latte,就是所谓加了牛奶的咖啡,通常直接音译为“拿铁咖 +41 分享51 俄勒冈大学吧 自然而然之 卖法语200level书 Pause-Cafe 法语201-203 的书 Pause-Cafe 八成新, 有需要的同学请联系邮箱 分享回复赞 时间囊吧 三只脚噶小猫 【...
a barroom, cabaret, or nightclub. coffee. Also,ca•fe′. French: literally,coffee 1780–90 1, 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridgedcoffeehouse, bistro, lunchroom, tearoom. CAFE(ka fā′, kə-),USA pronunciationn. a U.S. federally mandated standard of average minimum miles-per-gallon...
Read the full-text online article and more details about "Dad's Been Serving Latte since the '70S When It Was Cafe Au Lait" - Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales), April 20, 2006Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
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