📍 Cafe Japan,地址是626 Finchley Rd, London NW11 7RR。如果想坐吧台,记得提前打电话预约哦,电话是020 4529 4202。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 大熊的生活小记 2024-12-31 杭州生日探店:黑珍珠必吃榜餐厅推荐🎂 ...全文 +1 大熊的生活小记 2024-12-31 如何画出一双水灵灵的大眼睛?👀画上...
探索了伦敦北区的热门日料店Cafe Japan,这里的招牌是超值的Omakase套餐(14贯寿司)。🍽️ 环境体验: 店铺紧凑而狭长,装修简洁,以木色为主。前面区域设有约8张餐桌,后面则是专供Omakase的bar区域。预约时,您可以选择坐在餐桌或bar。坐在bar区域,Omakase的14贯寿司是一贯一贯上菜;而坐在餐桌,则是14贯一起上桌。
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Motorbikes, Cars & Rock 'n' Roll. At Ace Cafe London we welcome all who share our passion, based upon the rich traditions of the legendary petrol haunt
SEs London25224 contributions 1 20/23 FIFE ROAD Jul 2018 • solo This is the current address of the location of Cafe Japan.The shashmi is very good.The ambiance good.The service excellent. Written July 1, 2018 This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and n...
地址: 626 Fincley road, Golders Green, London NW11 7RR 是我在伦敦吃过最好吃的一家日本料理 价格也很合理 但位置在伦敦的zone 3 去会满不方便的 但很值得去吃 已经回去吃了有4次了 每次吃都没有失望 价格在40-60磅 (但每次来都点很多因为想到好不容易来想吃的都点了每次都吃到撑)0 0 ...
Motorbikes, Cars & Rock 'n' Roll. At Ace Cafe London we welcome all who share our passion, based upon the rich traditions of the legendary petrol haunt
Motorbikes, Cars & Rock 'n' Roll. At Ace Cafe London we welcome all who share our passion, based upon the rich traditions of the legendary petrol haunt
Fuji Oishi Hana Terrace (Kawaguchiko, Japan) – Lovely Garden Complex With Quaint Cafes & Shops August 21st, 2019 by Evan As I entered Fuji Oishi Hana Terrace, it felt like time had slowed down. The sense of unity between this gorgeous garden complex, Lake Kawaguchi and Mount Fuji was am...
image:IG@clutchcafelondon 为什么选择伦敦呢?伦敦的美式复古男装氛围怎样?在英国男装爱好者眼中,Made in Japan 和 Made in USA 有什么区别? 伦敦是开设像 CLUTCH Cafe London 这样的店的好地方,它是世界上最时尚的城市之一,大家对日本制造的美国产品也非常欣赏。《CLUTCH》杂志的老板很喜欢伦敦,并在这里找到了一个...