马来西亚 2010年2月14日 星期日 这一趟回去芙蓉,天气热到要爆!!昨天,我们两人溜到了新开张的Carrefour和Jusco Seremban,主要为了“避暑”,享受免费冷气。今天我们到权雄的祖家拜年之后,权雄的家人决定到新开张的Carrefour。我们才知道权雄的家人还不曾去Carrefour,而我们这2个人从槟城回来的竟然昨天比他们早一步去了C...
For a while, I resented the govt for the blunders that I’m in, clearly they were at faults. But in business is either you win or you lose, fair if is because of competition, miscalculation and mistakes, weaknesses etc., but heartbroken when it is your own govt tht brought you...
森美兰芙蓉的咖啡馆随着 Seremban 2 的兴旺带动了起来,在芙蓉的Uptown Avenue就有好几家咖啡馆,早前经过一趟看到咖啡馆可说雨后春笋的出现在Seremban 2 ,搞到我都不知道要去哪一家?可是我们每次回来芙蓉都是在家和家人相聚,往往少了机缘去咖啡馆,这次托与Lulu的年度聚会,再次逛多一家咖啡馆-Bros. Cafe。 芙蓉美...
This game is brought to you byLittlepeople, in celebration of their third-year anniversary. It will be available up till the end of October, which is when up to ten winners will be announced. The best part about the game, however, is the fact that even if you don’t get a high sco...