cafe-au-lait maculesneurofibromatosis type 1predictionBackground: Although isolated cafe-au-lait macules (CALMs) are a common skin finding, they are an early feature of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).Ben-Shachar, ShayDubov, TomToledano-Alhadef, HagitMashiah, JacobSprecher, EliConstantini, Shlomi...
café au lait (redirected fromCafe-au-lait) Thesaurus Medical ca·fé au lait (kă-fā′ō lā′) n. 1.Coffeeservedwithhotmilk. 2.Alightcoffeehue.SeeNoteatbeignet. [French:café,coffee+à,with+lait,milk.] AmericanHeritage®DictionaryoftheEnglishLanguage,FifthEdition.Copyright©2016byHoughton...
Cafe au lait The diagnostic value of cafe-au-lait macules. Diagnostic value of the cafe-au-lait spot in children. The diagnostic and clinical significance of cafe-au-lait macules. Familial café au lait spots: a variant of neurofibromatosis type 1. ...
café au lait (redirected fromcafe au lait) Thesaurus Related to cafe au lait:cafe au lait spots ca·fé au lait (kă-fā′ō lā′) n. 1.Coffee served with hot milk. 2.A light coffee hue. See Note atbeignet. [French :café,coffee+à,with+lait,milk.] ...
Cafe-au-lait macules (CALMs) affect the appearance of patients and can result in serious psychological problems. Successful treatments without adverse effe
Kaufmann D, Müller R, Bartelt B, Wolf M, Kunzi-Rapp K, Hanemann CO, Fahsold R, Hein C, Vogel W, Assum G (2001) Spinal neurofibromatosis without café-au-lait macules in two families with null mutations of the NF1 gene. Am J Hum Genet 69:1395–1400...
Multiple cafe au lait macules signal neurofibromatosis.(CLINICAL ROUNDS)Worcester, Sharon