cafard 英[kə'fɑ:] 美[kə'fɑ] 释义 n. 忧郁,抑郁,沮丧 行业词典 医学 精神沮丧:重度的精神抑郁
必应词典为您提供cafard的释义,美[kə'fɑrd],英[kə'fɑ:d],n. 忧郁;〈外〉苦闷;愁闷;没精打采; 网络释义: 精神沮丧;厌烦;法厌烦;
cafard [英[kə'fɑ:]美[kə'fɑ:]] cafard的意思、解释 n.忧郁,抑郁,沮丧 网络厌烦;忧郁;精神沮丧 更多
相似单词caespitoso-graminosa, caestus, caesura, caesural, CAF, cafard, cafe, cafe au lait, cafe noir, CAFEA, 英汉-汉英词典 n. 忧, , 沮丧用户正在搜索billot, billow, billowy, billposter, billposting, billsticker, billsticking, billy, billy club, billy goat, 相似单词cae...
I think it is as a refuge from the cafard,—a feeling of after all being a stranger in a strange land. From Project Gutenberg Officers of the Legion old enough to have won a few medals seemed to respect the cafard and make allowances for his deadly work. From Project Gutenberg They mu...
cafard 音标:[kafar]发音 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 AI解释 全文检索 法汉-汉法词典 cafard, en.m.1. 蟑2. 〈口语〉忧郁, 沮丧un coup de cafard 一阵精神忧郁a.伪善的manières cafardes 伪善的姿态 n.1. 伪善者, 伪君子2. 告密者 [学生语]常见用法avoir le cafard 感到沮丧 近...
cafard (Frenchkafar) n a feeling of severe depression [C20: from French, literally: cockroach, hypocrite] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The meaning of CAFARD is severe depression or apathy —used especially of white people in the tropics.