In collaboration with a local partner, Emre-Ray, and its own Turkish subsidiary, CAF Sinyalizasyon, CAF Signalling and its local partner, Emre-Ray, have been awarded the signalling and communication...
In July this year, the company CAF SIGNALLING celebrates its fifth anniversary. This period has been marked by the company’s growth from a technological and corporate point of view. The definition of a specific ...
CAF's signalling division has completed an ambitious technological innovation project focused on the implementation of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) up to GoA4 level (fully autonomous). in the Netherlands, in collaboration with the railway operator Nederlandse Spoorwegen. This is an important mileston...
此外,列车还将配备由CAF Signalling提供的车载ETCS设备。作为"东海岸数字化计划”的一部分,英国东海岸干线南段将在2029年全部转换为ETCS系统。新车队以CAF的Civity UK平台为基础,专门打造城际列车服务。将在CAF位于威尔士纽波特的工厂组装,并在英格兰北部的一家工厂提供维护服务。机车车辆租赁公司 Porterbrook将为新...
电动、电池、内燃三模列车将有效减少碳排放和噪音并降低维护和运营成本,从而提高服务运营效率和灵活性。随着技术的进一步发展,也有望提高续航能力和性能。此外,列车还将配备由CAF Signalling提供的车载ETCS设备。作为"东海岸数字化计划”的一部分,英国东海岸干线南段将在2029年全部转换为ETCS系统。
CAF will supply a fleet of 30 five-car EMUs, each capable of accommodating up to 700 passengers. The trains will be equipped with wide inter-car gangways and seats for passengers with reduced mobility. CAF Signalling will be responsible for the ERTMS signalling, ATO equipment, and the control...
CAF Signaling 与 IBM Client Engineering 合作,使用 gen AI 简化对 ERTMS 信息的访问,从而提高员工的工作效率。
电动、电池、内燃三源列车将有效减少碳排放和噪音并降低维护和运营成本,从而提高服务运营效率和灵活性。随着技术的进一步发展,也有望提高续航能力和性能。此外,列车还将配备由CAF Signalling提供的车载ETCS设备。作为"东海岸数字化计划”的一部分,英国东海岸干线南段将在2029年全部转换为ETCS系统。
CAF Signalling has obtained certification of the latest set of specifications of the European Train Control System (ETCS), Baseline 3. AURIGA on-board solution, ETCS Baseline 3 Release 2 version, by CAF Signalling has been certified according to latest TSI 2019/776...
CAF-derived IL32 specifically bound to integrinβ3 through the RGD motif, thus activating intracellular downstream p38 MAPK signalling in breast cancer cells. This signalling increased the expression of EMT markers (fibronectin, N-cadherin, and vimentin) and promoted tumour cell invasion. Counteracting...