The Planet of the Apes—created by Pierre Boulle in 1963—is a fictional world in which apes are the dominant species while humans have taken their place in the wild. The screen adaptions in 2011 and 2014 tell the story of the genesis of this world, tightly bound up with the biography ...
预示着影片接下来会爆发更大的人猿矛盾和冲突。果不其然,时隔三年后,《Dawn of the Planet of the Apes》于14年暑期上映(这个系列也是和《变形金刚》杠上了,《变4》也是同一时期上映的)。导演和编剧都换了。影片画风立转。从当年温情又不失明快的基调变成了一部暗黑风的战争片(欧美人真心擅长且喜爱暗黑风。...
首先是剧集次序,这次是完全按照情节的时间顺序来的,这样更加合理和便于接受(当然也失去了像老版第一部那样的震撼结尾)。所以这第一部实际对应过去的第四部,即《征服猩球》(Conquest of the Planet of the Apes)。 其次是故事梗概,新版做了大刀阔斧的改动,尤其是把猩族的进化原因设为基因治疗的药物作用,把人类的...
《Caesar Says ''No!'' - Prison Break - Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) Movie Clip HD》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Rise of the Planet of the Apes《猩球崛起》,本以为是声效大片,可最后发觉,我错了。影片讲述的是医学博士Will带领的研究团队开发能治愈老年痴呆症的新药物并在猩猩身上进行试验的故事。剧情似乎比较老套,一个药物配方在一只母猩猩身上获得成功,母猩猩的智商和认知能力得到极大提升。这只母猩猩不久后暴走,随后被开...
类人猿星球的黎明-凯撒戏弄者_2013_ - 科幻电影高清版(Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes - Caesar Teaser _2013_ - Sci-Fi Movie HD) 资源编号 :39806462 格式:mp4 文件体积 :2m 时长:12秒 分辨率 :1280×720 浏览截图 MP4 2m 格式画质分辨率体积 ...
into a problem for Will, as Caesar is taken away from him and forced to live in a primate facility. As Caesar's intelligence continues to grow, he begins to stake his claim as the leader of his new primate counterparts, which will ultimately lead to theRISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES....
片名如此大气,其实不过是一群猩猩跨座桥回到森林罢了。电影中Caesar 及其他猩猩人性化的思考与叛逃借用药物作用做了合理解释。那若是没有药物。在人类如此野蛮的开拓扩张下猩猩及其他动物会不会有思考。现实生活中动物自杀冲出动物园攻击人类```并不是没有发上过。所以在电影之外电影本身带给我们的不只是刺激的感官...
所以这第一部实际对应过去的第四部,即《征服猩球》(Conquest of the Planet of the Apes)。其次是故事梗概,新版做了大刀阔斧的改动,尤其是把猩族的进化原因设为基因治疗的药物作用,把人类的退化原因定为(此集只是暗示)同一种药物的特异性副作用,应当说比起老版中的核辐射随机突变要靠谱的多。最后是视觉特效,...
July 21, 2013 Jim Kiernan Andy Serkis, Caesar, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, James Franco, Jason Clarke, John Lithgow, Keri Russell, Matt Reeves, Performance capture, Planet of the Apes, Tim Burton 0 We have our first look at the older, angrier and battle-ready Caesar from the upcom...