Later, he is offered kingship; but Caesar refuses the crown. On the ides of March Brutus and some other men come before Caesar to plead a case; except, their only motive is to kill Caesar. Antony, Caesar’s right hand man, pretends to side with the conspirators after Caesar is killed,...
At the opening of the play Julius is being celebrated for his victory over Pompey. Later, he is offered kingship; but Caesar refuses the crown. On the ides of March Brutus and some other men come before Caesar to plead a case; except, their only motive is to kill Caesar. Antony, ...
First Soldier of Antony’s helps to kill Cato, and refuses to kill Lucillius when he is convinced that the latter is Brutus. He is greatly excited to tell Antony of his capture.Second Soldier of Antony’s Second Soldier of Antony’s helps to kill Cato and passes on the news of Brutus...
the Popular Party and Murder of thePopular Leaders.--General Character of AristocraticRevolutions.--The Constitution remodelled.--Concentration of Powerin the Senate.--Sylla's General Policy.--The Army.--Flight ofSertorius to Spain.--Pompey and Sylla.--Caesar refuses to divorcehis Wife at ...
ACT 2:What does Calpurnia ask Caesar to do, but he refuses and why? Calpurnia asks Caesar to stay home from the Senate because she had a bad dream. ACT 2:What does Brutus fear about Caesar becoming king? Brutus fears that Caesar will become a dictator, corrupt with too much power ACT...
–Destruction of the Popular Party and Murder of the Popular Leaders.–General Character of Aristocratic Revolutions.–The Constitution remodelled.–Concentration of Power in the Senate.–Sylla’s General Policy.–The Army.–Flight of Sertorius to Spain.–Pompey and Sylla.–Caesar refuses to ...
Track The story shows Julius Caesar, who, after returning from his victories, is offered a crown, which he refuses to accept. Cassius, Casca and other Romans of great standing in the state are jealous of the success of Caesar and turn to Brutus,...See more ...
Brutus expresses his fear that the people will crown Caesar king causing Cassius wants Brutus to join the conspiracy; Brutus considers it but does not commit himself Casca reports that Antony three times offered Caesar a crown, which he refuses before a cheering crowd Cassius plots to write...
The play begins with a street festival celebrating Julius Caesar's triumph over Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (known as Pompey). At the festival, Caesar is offered a crown three times, and refuses three times. Meanwhile, Cassius, a Roman senator who is fearful of Caesar's popularity and ...
Pothinus refuses to leave, however. He demands that Caesar speak with him in private, suggesting Caesar’s life is in danger. Finally, Pothinus breaks the news in front of Cleopatra: Cleopatra wants Cesar to leave Egypt—either voluntarily or by death—because she believes that he will crown...