加密算法: #Caesar Cipher#http://inventwithpython.com/hacking (BSD Licensed)importpyperclip#the string to be encrypted/decrypted#message = 'This is my secret message.'#message = "You can show black is white by argument,' said Filby, 'but you will never convince me."#message = '1234567890'...
后移三位是最经典的凯撒加密,也就是历史上凯撒大帝使用的加密方式 特殊的凯撒加密有不同的偏移量,不一定是3 python加密&解密 这种解密方式适用于知道偏移量的情况下进行解密 def encrypt_caesar(str,key=3): #加密函数text=""for i in str:text+=chr(65+((ord(i)-65)+key)%26)return textdef decrypt_...
If you encrypt the plaintext word HOWDY with a key of 3, then:• The letter H becomes K.• The letter O becomes R.• The letter W becomes Z.• The letter D becomes G.• The letter Y becomes B.So, the ciphertext of HOWDY with the key 3 becomes KRZGB. To decrypt KRZ...
Caesar-Verschlüsselung in Java Der folgende Code demonstriert die Implementierung der Caesar-Verschlüsselung in Java. packagedelftstack;importjava.util.Scanner;publicclassCaesar_Cipher_Encrypt{publicstaticvoidmain(String...s){String Original_Message,Encrypted_Message="";intCipher_Key;charMessage_Char...
log('result string :' + encrypt(org, 3)) Ausgabe: "original string : hello world" "result string :khoor zruog" In der obigen JavaScript-Quelle haben wir die Funktion encrypt erstellt, in der wir Zeichenfolgenwerte und feste Zahlen als Argument übergeben. Wir haben alle Alphabete ...
If you attempt to use it to store/encrypt passwords or sensitive information you deserve to have your programming license revoked!It’s such a popular technique that some text editors and news readers have ROT13 functionality built in!As an example of how this works the word “HELLO” gets ...
- sodiumencrypter/sodiumdecrypter: Encryption/decryption element based on libsodium/NaCl - togglerecord: Recording element that allows to pause/resume recordings easily and considers keyframe boundaries - fallbackswitch/fallbacksrc: Elements for handling potentially failing (network) sources, restar...