Now that we’ve seen how we can encode and decode capital letters of the English alphabet using Caesar Cipher, it begs an important question – What about the other characters? What about the numbers? What about the special characters and the punctuation? Well, the original Caesar Cipher algor...
解密算法为: 用python实现的Caesar算法如下: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 defCaeser_encode(text,offset=3):result=[]fortintext.lower().encode():result.append((t+offset-97)%26+97)returnbytes(result).decode()defCaeser_decode(text,offset=3):result=[]fortintext.lower...
Python复制 # Try to decode the word "terra"print("Shifting terra by 13 gives: \n"+ lasso_word("terra",13) ) 当选择“运行”按钮时,会看到控制台上显示词“绿色”: 查看完整文件 编写两个 lasso 函数后,完整的 文件应如下所示: ...