第七名:Rua da Boavista, Lisbon 第八名:Arnaldo Quintela, Rio de Janeiro 第九名:Chazawa-dori, 东京 第十名:Consell de Cent, Barcelona 最后, 打卡完那些热门景点之后, 不如也试试走街串巷, 感受一下当地的人间烟火气吧。 Ref...
圣保罗Sao Paulo 里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro 巴拉圭共和国 Republic of Paraguay 亚松森Asuncion 阿根廷共和国 the Republic of Argentina 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Buenos Aires
Pentecostal Adherents in a Favela in Rio de Janeiro The small public square in the middle of the favela 1 was crowded when the famous pastor Marcos Pereira da Silva of the Igreja Assembl茅ia de Deus dos Ultimos Dias stepped up the stage that was set up especially for the occasion. The...