Caecocolic intussusception in ibadan : Graham J. Cole . Brit. J. Surg. 53:415, May 1966doi:10.1016/0022-3468(66)90154-0R.B. ZacharyElsevier Inc.Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Mucocele of the appendix, a rare lesion, occurs in 0.2–0.3 % of patients undergoing appendectomy and caecocolic appendiceal intussusception is an extremely uncommon complication of mucocele. Calcification of a mucocele is believed to denote chronicity. We present the case of a patient we treated...
Points from letters: Caecocolic intussusception: an unusual physical sign M StuartBMJ Publishing Group LtdBmj Clinical Research
Caecocolic intussusceptions in horseshorsecaecumcolonintussusceptionceliotomyAnoplocephala perfoliatadoi:info:doi/10.1111/eve.12799Holcombe, S. J.Shearer, T. R.Equine Veterinary Education
Ileocaecocolic conduit in the management of exstrophy of the bladder: S.K. Chatterjee and D. Basak. Pediatr Surg Int 1:51–54, (March), 1986LockeGodconsentlibertyauthoritytheologyABSTRACTdoi:10.1016/S0022-3468(87)80085-4Prem PuriElsevier Inc.Journal of Pediatric Surgery...
A novel use for polyamide tie‐wraps in the surgical resolution of caecocolic intussusception in a horsehorsecoliccaecocolic intussusceptiontyphlectomypolyamide tie‐wrapsdoi:info:doi/10.1111/eve.12770Bont M. P.Equine Veterinary Education
Balfour TW, Hardcastle JD (1978) The identification of an electrically silent zone at the ileo-caecocolic junction. In: Duthie HL (ed) Gastrointestinal motility in health and disease. MTP Press, Lancaster, pp 407–408.Balfour, T. W. and Hardcastle, J. D. (1978). The identification of ...
Unusual presentation of Carcinoid tumor in pregnancy as Ileo-Ileo caecocolic intussusceptionCarcinoid tumours are rarely associated with pregnancy. Very few cases have been documented in the literature, mostly affecting appendix. Ileal Carcinoids are extremely rare ...
Diagnosis and Management of Normograde Ileocaecocolic Intussusception in a PupRawat, TusharAkashBisht, DipanshuIntas Polivet
Cole GJ. Caecocolic intussusception in Ibadan. Br J Surg 1966;53: 415–9.Cole G. Caecocolic Intussusception in Ibadan. Br J Surg. 1996. 53 :415.Cole GJ. Caecocolic intussusception in Ibadan. Br J Surg. 1966 May; 53 (5):415–419....