A plain abdominal X-ray showed distended large bowel loops with two large well-defined air-fluid levels superimposed on each other, suggestive of caecal volvulus. The patient underwent emergency laparotomy, and the intraoperative finding confirmed the diagnosis of gangrenous ...
Tomography, X-Ray ComputedAgedAged, 80 and overIntestinal VolvulusCecumFemaleCaecal volvulus is an uncommon cause of closed loop intestinal obstruction which can lead to caecal gangrene and high mortality. Delay in diagnosis is one of the causes of this high mortality. Caecal volvulus is reported...
Caecal volvulus often presents with abdominal distension, vomiting and colicky pain. It involves a clockwise rotation of the cecum, leading to a closed-loop obstruction. An abdominal X-ray may show a dilated caecum or inverted comma-shaped caecal shadow; CT abdomen may demonstrate a 'coffee ...
Plain X-ray of the abdomen in erect posture showed an air fluid colonic level in the left hypochondrium. CT scan showed signs of caecal volvulus with intestinal malrotation. A brief reanimation and nasogastric aspiration couldn't solve the problem therefore emergency laparotomy was needed ileocae...
Simple X-ray of the abdomen (Fig. 1) showed caecal dilation, hydro-aereo levels and the absence of gas in the rectal ampule. Given the suspicion of caecal volvulus examination of the colon with an enema was performed (Fig. 2) showing the coffee bean sign. Abdominal tomography confirmed ...
Straight abdominal x ray showed a distended and displaced stomach with another gas filled viscus around it. Subsequent computed tomography suggested caecal volvulus herniated through the epiploic foramen obstructing the gastric outlet. The patient underwent reduction of the internal hernia and right hem...
She had an erect chest X-ray and a computed tomography (CT) scan with intravenous contrast. The CT scan was reported as a suspected caecal volvulus with a malrotated, significantly dilated caecum in the left upper quadrant. Another CT finding was a filling defect in the superior mesenteric ...