Caecal bascule is a rare condition characterized by the inferior pole of the caecum folding on a horizontal axis antero‐superiorly towards the ascending colon, potentially causing obstruction. An unusual variant of volvulus, diagnosis is challenging due to its obscurity. We present the experience of...
Figure 6. Diagram showing caecal bascule where a turning point upwards and in front of the ascending colon appears in the caecum, causing a valvular obstruction mechanism. The incidence of caecal volvulus stands at from 2.8 to 7.1 cases per million people per year. It is the cause of from...
Caecal bascule postelective caesarean sectiondoi:10.1136/bcr-2023-255942Roisin MulhollandMadeleine ReeceOluwafemi CokerKirstin SilfBMJ Case Reports
Caecal basculeCaecal volvulusVolvulusJackson veilRight hemicolectomyCaecal bascules are rare causes of intestinal obstruction.While the exact pathogenesis is unknown, predisposing features have been recognized.Presenting symptoms and radiological features are often non-specific, and thus a low threshold for...
Caecal volvulus is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction, with the bascule subtype accounting for,10% of all cases of caecal volvulus. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality if left undiagnosed. We present the case of a 58-year-old female who presented to our surgical ...
Caecal bascule, an unusual cause of intestinal obstructiondoi:10.1016/j.circen.2016.10.001Alicia Ruiz de la HermosaPatricia Ortega DomeneMaria Luisa Fuenmayor ValeraJose Benito Seoane GonzalezElsevier