CAE 真题 cambridge english 1 / 2 /3 / 4 advanced 带音频 全套电子版 PDF 莫党图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: -- -- 物流履约: -- -- 售后服务: -- -- 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 商品介绍 规格与包装 售后保障 ...
然后有一部分是use of english,考语法和词汇什么的,雅思没有,这部分想拿高分不容易。阅读的文体比雅思多,虽然没那么多专业词汇,但是不知道为什么没有雅思好拿分,可能是题目规律性没有雅思那么强,反正我当年阅读发挥失常,单项最多是B左右,但是雅思阅读我轻松拿到满分。口语因为是两三个人一起讨论...
Use of English.部分强烈建议Google直接搜cae这个part的专项练习,把免费的背完了就转战这个APP quizlet...
但是我觉得它检测你是否能被当作一个低配版本的 educated English speaker。
Also, even though you need to average 60.54% of the marks in order to pass the exam, you can pass the Reading section only answering47%+ of the questions correct and you can pass the Use of English section only answering46%of the questions correct (depending on which questions you get ...
What is required in the writing of a proposal? Do candidates have to study both the set texts? Will any edition of the set texts do? WritingEnglish in Use Is singular/plural important in word formation? What happens if candidates miss a negative in the transformations, there...
C1 - CAE - sample exam - 5 speaking.pdf 热度: English Meeting Process and Some Useful Expressions 热度: (综合英语二)useful expressions in unit 3 热度: USEFULCAEEXPRESSIONSFORSPEAKINGexam: Givingopinions: Inmy___ As___asI’m___ My
Over the last five hundred years, with increased contact between dissimilar populations and the development of a global trading system, the use of plants for food has concentrated on about 30 crop species out of an estimated 30,000 edible species, which are now the basis of a considerable amou...
Stirling-PDF has three different versions: a full version, an ultra-lite version, and a 'fat' version. Depending on the types of features you use, you may want a smaller image to save on space. To see what the different versions offer, please look at our version mapping. For people ...