The truth is, it will be very difficult to improve your exam score by LOADS of marks in such a short space of time and if you have a good amount of time, I would always advise following a more holistic approach, aiming to improve ALL the different parts of the exam. However, if you...
this is the exam for you. C1 Advanced is taken by more than 60,000 people each year in more than 60 countries. More than 9,000 educational institutions, businesses and government departments around the world accept C1 Advanced as proof of high-level achievement in learning English. ...
Cambridge English Advanced: Speaking Part 1 – Social interaction This lesson aims to help students prepare for the social interaction section of the Advanced Speaking exam. Cambridge English Advanced: Writing Part 2 – Report This lesson aims to help students prepare for the report section of the...
(PET) Cambridge B1: Preliminary (FCE) Cambridge B2: First (CAE) Cambridge C1: Advanced (CPE) Cambridge C2: Proficiency (IELTS) International English Language Testing System Cambridge Exam Teachers Looking for information, resources or advice for First Certificate, Certificate in Advanced English or ...
The test below the CAE in the Cambridge exam suite is called theCambridge B2 First Certificateand the test above is called theC2 Proficiency. In order to decide which Cambridge exam is right for your level, you can take the freeCambridge placement testonline....
Who is it for? If you can communicate with confidence in English for work or study purposes, this is the exam for you. C1 Advanced is taken by more than 60,000 people each year in more than 60 countries. C1 Advanced is one of theCambridgeexams. ...
考点请至报考官网查看: 如打不开网页,可等待本站后续更新的考点信息。 注意:报名日期通常为考试日期前6周截止报名,最新报名、考点信息请以报名官网更新为准。官方咨询热线:010 8540 1888 ...
Passing a Cambridge ESOL exam is not the end of the story — when you receive your certificate you open the door to a world of opportunities.(通过剑桥大学考试委员会CAE考试不是故事的结局——CAE证书为你打开世界大门和无数的机会。) Whatever you want to use your language skills for, the recogn...
报名日期通常为考试日期前6周截止报名,详情请关注最新更新。 最新信息请以报名官网更新为准。 官方咨询热线:010 8540 1888Email: 官网 (可复制链接到浏览器打开 或 点击文末 “阅读原文”) 考试日期一览表下载编辑于 2023...
剑桥KET PET FCE CAE备考真题 Exam booster Advanced First CAE 已有19人评价 剑桥英语五级考试 CAE听力从突破到飞跃 扫码音频 北京宏恩编 中国人民大学出版社 97873002 已有18人评价 C1 Key Word Transformation 200 exercises Cambridge C1 Advanced 关键词转换 剑桥CAE考试C1等级200道练习2022 中商原版 已有...