Cadence 16.6,导入网表一直显示Program has encountered a problem and must exit The design will besaved as a SAV,反反复复,再别的电脑可以用,再自己电脑中反复崩溃。。。工具/原料 DellXps13 Window10专业版 Cadence16.6 方法/步骤 1 Cadence导入网表,一直报故障,log里面只说有error,没说error是什么...
找到安装路径 ***\Cadence\SPB_Data\pcbenv。在其目录下删除如下文件 注意:是全部删除(不放心可以复制一份)
安装后无法打开,显示"Program has encountered a problem and must exit..." 03-27· 上海 回复喜欢 一念 这个带orcad原理图软件吗? 03-11· 广东 回复喜欢 未来噻 这个下载之后带器件库吗,例如.18的器件库? 2023-10-25· 北京 回复喜欢 路人甲 应该是自带一些元件库的,安装路径...
。。求拯救,卸载安装试了好几次都不行“Program has encountered a problem and must exit. The ...
AllegroDRC检测就报错, Program has encountered a problem and must exit. The design will be saved as a .SAV file that can be recovered usingdbdoctor(if applicable). To resolve problem, first obtain the Allegro PCB Designer 17.2如何打开旧版本.brd文件 ...
i have a problem with my allegro pcb editor 15.7.When i want to import the netlist into allegro .an error message appears like "program has encountered a problem and must exit. The database will be saves (if applicable). obtain the latest software update from cadence and if problem...
"The program has encountered a problem and must exist. The design will be saved as a .SAV file that can be recovered by using a dbdoctor (if applicable). To resolve problem, first obtain the latest software update from Cadence and if the problem persists contac...
网表导入时报错..导入网表时弹出netrev对话框 内容是Program has encountered a problem and must exit.The design will be saved as a .S
点击NEW Design弹出This application has quit unexpectedly;点击New project ,输入名字后弹出This application has quit unexpectedly。新建的design和project都在相应的文件夹保存了。 软件版本17.2,阿狸狗破解的。 I5-4590 ,4G,64位win7旗舰版 喜欢可爱可 8-12 0 有大神知道进入pcb editor时这几个选项选哪些...