LVS fails "nothing in layout" nicola91itover 7 years ago Hi all, I can't solve this problem with LVS while trying to do the following: I have two MOM caps that I made by myself (in the pcell that I have I can't set the dimensions that I want), shown in the first pi...
setlibrary=$1setcellname=$2$CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin/strmout\-library$library\-strmFile$cellname.gds\-runDir /dir/gds\-techLib techLibName\-topCell$cellname\-view layout\-logFile strmOut.log\-converDot node\-layerMap layermapFileName\-case Preserve\-convertPcellPin geometry 下面的是一行代码...
Despite the shrinking size of today’s electronics products, there’s nothing small about the challenge of getting a product to market. These design pack more features and performance into less space. And at every point along the way, design issues are compounded and interrelated with complex ICs...
Disclaimer: I know NOTHING about Cryptography, same can be said about my programming skills as well ^^ After some research on how I can protect my python source code on similar topics here and other s... How to play YouTube video in PIP mode like WhatsApp?
OrCAD X Standard is a combination of OrCAD X Capture, the latest in schematic design, and OrCAD X Presto, the cutting-edge PCB layout environment built to improve efficiency throughout the design process with a powerful routing engine, advanced rule support, real-time design feedback, and a ...
Disclaimer: I know NOTHING about Cryptography, same can be said about my programming skills as well ^^ After some research on how I can protect my python source code on similar topics here and other s... How to play YouTube video in PIP mode like WhatsApp?
in the layout by 2λ. nwell and select layers are not subject to this rule. As an example, in the inverter layout, the furthest features are the active regions of the transistors. • In the Virtuoso Layout Editing window select Edit =>Select=> Deselect All. To make sure that nothing ...
in the layout by 2λ. nwell and select layers are not subject to this rule. As an example, in the inverter layout, the furthest features are the active regions of the transistors. • In the Virtuoso Layout Editing window select Edit =>Select=> Deselect All. To make sure that nothing ...
With nothing selected, the properties panel shows top-level design properties. The properties panel in OrCAD X offers an efficient way to change net names, using net aliases, and extracting nets. This panel not only facilitates relational navigation but is also context-sensitive, displaying informati...
With nothing selected, the properties panel shows top-level design properties. The properties panel in OrCAD X offers an efficient way to change net names, using net aliases, and extracting nets. This panel not only facilitates relational navigation but is also context-sensitive, displaying informati...