设置方法: 然后,选择 “Electrical Rules”,对“Check no driving source” 不勾选。 方式2. 在库里面将相对应的管脚修改其电气属性为passive就可以了。 进入edit part 状态。此时,显示的是第一部分。点击view->next part,就显示下一个部分了。找到所需部分,进行编辑就可以了。 2,Net has fewer than two co...
点击view->next part,就显示下一个部分了。找到所需部分,进行编辑就可以了。 2,Net has fewer than two connections 如下图: 原因:提醒你有个网络只有一个端口、也就是说他没有连接到别处。 解决办法: 1,正确连接到其他网络端口。 2,删除此单个端口不连的网络。
WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections LED_CLK WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections RING WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections LED_DAT WARNING(ORCAP-1600): Net has fewer than two connections AGND 再次DRC检查,无问题报错。 导出网表,报错 ...
WARNING [DRC0006] Net has fewer than two connections EA24: Harribo_DB_Main_V0.1, 07....
从这个图(来源于另一个page)中拷贝C209这个电容到下面page中,ERC检查出现了以下三个错误: ERROR: [DRC0010] Duplicate reference C209 ERROR...0006] Net has fewer than twoconnections5V_A2 解决方法:这个warning的产生在于一页原理图上电源bar只有一次连接点,这样就会报 错,通常可以忽略,或者在芯片 ...
Cadence Training_0626 Cadence软件的使用 主要内容 一、设计流程 二、Cadence功能特点三、原理图设计四、PCB设计(重点)五、设计中常用技巧 一、设计流程 产品需求 产品设计流程 制定设计方案评审原理图设计原理图评审 通过丌通过 通过 配合驱动及应用软件调试制定新产品测试方案产品验证测试 丌通过通过 PCB设计PCB评审 ...
首先创建数字电路模块。新建一个Cell View,「Cell」命名为「DECODE3TO7」,「Type」选择「Verilog」,...
1. An integrated circuit (“IC”) design layout comprising: a) a plurality of nets, each net has a set of routable elements in the IC design-layout region; and b) for each net, a topological route that connects the net's routable elements, wherein each topological route is a route th...
Routing tracks, as they were originally devised, applied to every net or connection in the design. To address this, the user must explicitly add the constraints of the track patterns to the routing rules, which is impractical and prone to errors. Moreover, there has been no way to address...