his Transitional Year in Tucson, Arizona, he went to residency in PM&R at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and onwards to Stanford University for his fellowship in Sports Medicine. He has been in practice at the University of Pennsylvania since 2012....
Again most people will notice that as you increase muscle tension, your body becomes stiffer and more rigid but it also becomes more elastic. This in turn makes your body more ‘reactive’ – meaning that you rebound more easily off the ground and have a better use of the ‘elastic recoil...
By visualizing their work, preferably continuously (meaning, don’t wait for the standup to update the board). I like aphysical Kanban boardfor this, but whatever works. Holding the standup in front of an up-to-date board makes The One Thing easy to ask, answer, and validate. The Rule...
Due to COiN’s optimized circuit architecture, it is completely immune to over-the-air attacks, meaning that a well-placed beacon is very secure. It cannot be “hacked” or modified unless the perpetrator has complete physical possession of the device. Weatherproof COiN is shipped pre-...