There was an unfamiliar cadence in her voice. 她说话时带有一种不常听到的抑扬顿挫的声调。 权威例句 Cadence, power, and muscle activation in cycle ergometry. Preferred pedalling cadence in professional cycling Initial Characteristics of Kepler Short Cadence Data ...
Additionally, the different activities of TA and GL muscles in single gait cycle could also be found from the sEMG signals, which could provide an advanced method for human gait analysis. These results showed that the sEMG signals of lower limb muscles varied in a predictable way during walking...
Two important parameters including variance ratio(VR) and phasic activity of a gait cycle were utilized to describe the characteristics of gait control. In this study, the phasic activities of 60 steps/min, 80steps/min and 120steps/min were significantly different in calf group (p<0.01). The...
Each group was assigned to cycle at a cadence at the corresponding percentage higher than the participant's self-selected gait cadence. Each participant engaged in a 15-min cycling session at their respective assigned cycling cadence. Before and after cycling, participants completed a 10-meter ...
Prior to each trial, all participants completed a 5 min warm up protocol at 25 W on a cycle ergometer (Monark, Vansbro, Sweden). They then began each trial 2 min after completion of the warm-up. 2.1.3. Statistical Analysis In order to examine any changes in Heart Rate, Rating of ...